SimpleBridge Yaws Content Type
Reported by Rusty Klophaus | May 30th, 2010 @ 05:40 PM | in 2.0.1
Investigate this:
Hi Rusty,
I think I found an error in the yaws_response_bridge module of
the following code
ContentType = coalesce([
proplists:get_value(content_type, Res#response.headers),
proplists:get_value("content-type", Res#response.headers),
proplists:get_value("Content-Type", Res#response.headers),
proplists:get_value("CONTENT-TYPE", Res#response.headers),
gives always "text/html" as content type.
I send you a possible correction as attachment.
Best Regards,
Vadim Werbitzky
% Simple Bridge % Copyright (c) 2008-2010 Rusty Klophaus % See MIT-LICENSE for licensing information.
-module(yaws_response_bridge). -behaviour (simple_bridge_response). -include_lib ("yaws_api.hrl"). -include_lib ("simple_bridge.hrl"). -export ([build_response/2]).
build_response(_Arg, Res) ->
% Get vars... Code = Res#response.statuscode, case
Res#response.data of
{data, Body} ->
% Assemble headers...
Headers = lists:flatten([
[{header, {X#header.name, X#header.value}} || X <- Res#response.headers],
[create_cookie(X) || X <- Res#response.cookies]
%======================== NEW CODE: =====================
% Get the content type...
ContentTypeHeaders =
case NextHeaderRecord of
_NHR when NextHeaderRecord#header.name =:= content_type;
NextHeaderRecord#header.name =:= "content-type";
NextHeaderRecord#header.name =:= "Content-Type";
NextHeaderRecord#header.name =:= "CONTENT-TYPE" ->
_ -> false
ContentType =
case ContentTypeHeaders of
[] -> "text/html";
[Ct|_] -> Ct#header.value
%======================== NEW CODE END ===================== %======================== OLD CODE: =====================
% Get the content type...
% ContentType = coalesce([
% proplists:get_value(content_type, Res#response.headers),
% proplists:get_value("content-type", Res#response.headers),
% proplists:get_value("Content-Type", Res#response.headers),
% proplists:get_value("CONTENT-TYPE", Res#response.headers),
% "text/html"
% ]),
% Send the yaws response...
{status, Code},
{content, ContentType, Body}
{file, Path} ->
%% Calculate expire date far into future...
Seconds = calendar:datetime_to_gregorian_seconds(calendar:local_time()),
TenYears = 10 * 365 * 24 * 60 * 60,
Seconds1 = calendar:gregorian_seconds_to_datetime(Seconds + TenYears),
ExpireDate = httpd_util:rfc1123_date(Seconds1),
% Create the response telling Yaws to server file...
Options = [{header, {"Expires", ExpireDate}}],
Path = filename:join(".", Path),
{page, {Options, Path}}
% NO MORE NEEDED: % coalesce([]) -> undefined; % coalesce([undefined|T]) -> coalesce(T); % coalesce([H|_T]) -> H.
create_cookie(Cookie) ->
Name = Cookie#cookie.name, Value = Cookie#cookie.value, Path =
Cookie#cookie.path, SecondsToLive = Cookie#cookie.minutes_to_live *
60, Expire = to_cookie_expire(SecondsToLive),
yaws_api:setcookie(Name, Value, Path, Expire).
to_cookie_expire(SecondsToLive) ->
Seconds =
DateTime = calendar:gregorian_seconds_to_datetime(Seconds +
SecondsToLive), httpd_util:rfc1123_date(DateTime).
Comments and changes to this ticket
Rusty Klophaus June 14th, 2010 @ 06:14 PM
- Milestone set to 2.0.1
- State changed from new to resolved
Used Tobbe's approach. http://github.com/etnt/nitrogen/tree/b5fcf80952b7fa99dd881ddf42bb75...
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